Elections begin tomorrow morning! The LSL spoke with both candidates for student body president about why they were running and what they could offer SGA. Make sure to learn about the candidates and make your voice known! Log onto connect@TLU sometime between tomorrow morning and Thursday at 5:00 p.m. to cast your vote.
Mason Allenger is a second-year junior history major with a concentration in pre-law. After graduation, he says, “I plan to attend law school in Texas to earn a
JD and become a prosecuting attorney - hopefully a local one. I'd like to
eventually become a judge on either the state or federal level.”
What experience do you have that you'd like to share?
What experience do you have that you'd like to share?
“I'm a part of a number of student organizations at TLU. I run cross-country and track for the university, I'm a Peer Mentor, I'm the Treasurer of the Wesley Foundation campus ministry group, I'm the Vice President of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee, I'm the chair of the SGA Legislative Committee, and I'm in the Black and Gold President's Council. Further, I was a member of this year's national-qualifying ethics bowl debate team, and I sit on [SGA’s] environmental sustainability committee.
a Senator this semester, I led the charge for a student section at TLU athletic
events, and worked closely with other environment-savers at TLU to increase the
amount of plastic and paper recycling on campus. Also, I've personally drafted
up multiple bills and resolutions this semester in SGA to make conditions
better for students on campus, and to make SGA a smoother and more effective
governing body.”
Why are you running and what can you offer SGA?
“I'm running for SGA President because as someone who accomplished a lot with and for the students as an SGA senator, I realize the power and potential of an SGA that works closely with the student body, and I want to achieve that. I can offer leadership experience, energy, and ambition to the SGA. I'm also running for SGA because I want to inform the students of this university that they are all literally a part of the SGA. Other schools' student governments are able to accomplish amazing things that really provide a better quality of life for their students. I want to provide that kind of SGA for the students and I know I can if I'm elected, given my extensive leadership experience.”
Espinoza is
a junior chemistry and physics major with a math minor.
What experience do you have that you'd like to
“I have a lot of leadership
experience. I’ve been the president of the Society of Physics Students (SPS)
this past year. I’m also the state representative for SPS National, so I went
through a campaign and represent 46 SPS chapters in the state of Texas and have
collaborated with others in D.C. and that’s something that I’m really proud of.
I’m part of the Student Athletic Advisory Council and am their outreach chair,
and I’m part of the Black and Gold President’s Council.
Additionally, I’m part of the soccer
team, and that requires a lot of leadership, collaboration, and effective
communication. As the current secretary of SGA, I know what SGA’s about and
what our mission is and what I want to accomplish. I also work with
the Center for Servant Leadership and their community partner Teatro. This
taught me to embrace diversity and how to work in the community. I have two
summers of chemistry research experience which taught me to think critically
and how to be a proactive and diligent person. A lot of people get rejected
from these programs and the fact that I applied til I got accepted shows
determination, I think.”
Why are you running and what can you offer SGA?
“I want to be SGA president because being secretary you kind of just take the minutes and see all of what’s going on and through that I learned how passionate I am about this, and if elected president my first goal is going to be to bridge the gap between the student body and SGA so we can work together to improve the campus. Because I’ve had the opportunity to be so involved on campus, I think I can use my past experience to help move the campus towards what’s in the best interest of everyone. And I really enjoy helping people, as cliché as that sounds, and I think it’s really awesome how much impact we can make as students.”
“I want to be SGA president because being secretary you kind of just take the minutes and see all of what’s going on and through that I learned how passionate I am about this, and if elected president my first goal is going to be to bridge the gap between the student body and SGA so we can work together to improve the campus. Because I’ve had the opportunity to be so involved on campus, I think I can use my past experience to help move the campus towards what’s in the best interest of everyone. And I really enjoy helping people, as cliché as that sounds, and I think it’s really awesome how much impact we can make as students.”