Sunday, February 14, 2016

Thoughts on Valentine's Day

Since when did it become cool to hate Valentine's Day?

I get it, people either spend Valentine’s Day lonely or broke. Although many of us are spending the holiday both lonely and broke, love is about so much more than whether or not you’ve met the love of your life. To hate a holiday about love does nothing for anyone. Valentine’s Day is the day you should let everyone who is anyone to you know that you’d do anything for them.

The problem is this: it is always easier to dress up for Halloween and pig out on Thanksgiving. By comparison, having to be vulnerable and take risks by showing love when it may not be requited seems like more work than holiday. It is within this vulnerability, though, that humans can break down walls and truly begin to care about each other. Reconstruct Valentine’s Day in your mind as “Lovesgiving,” and your viewpoint will begin to transform.

Valentine’s Day is by no means a perfect holiday. With entire industries dedicated to making people of just about every age group spend money on cards and candy, it can be tough to get any sort of spirit about February 14th. Regardless of whether you are working, sulking, sleeping, or kissing, here are ten things to focus on as you have a great Valentine’s day:

-There’s a difference between corniness and love.
-You are loved, and you have the capacity to show love.
-Any friend, single or taken, would love a call from you showing your gratitude for them.
-Love unabashedly. Life is too short and too long to do anything less.
-It’s okay to feel lonely.
-The grass is always greener when you’re not the one watering it.
-Love is the acceptance of uncertainty.
-Treat yourself.
-Nutella, Ben & Jerry’s, and chocolate-covered pomegranates are acceptable date substitutes.    
-Marvel Studios’ Deadpool came out this weekend.

-Adam Kinyicky, reporter

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